Written by

Sarah Ingham


Your Trade Account Has Moved

Your trade account with Additional Lengths has now moved over to our new Professional’s only website at www.remicachet.com


Nothing else has changed. The Remi Cachet products you know and love will be available to purchase from www.remicachet.com


Have You Received Your Email?

You should have received several emails from us recently regarding your trade account. As your trade account has now moved if you haven’t already accepted the email invite to activate your account on www.remicachet.com please ensure you activate this as soon as possible. Please get in touch if you have not received your invitation.

Please note; All orders placed after 16th July at 10am on the Additional Lengths site will no longer be available for a trade discount nor will we be able to refund any difference from the website prices or amend any orders that have already been placed without the trade discounts applied.


Changes From July 16th At 10am

  • Current discounts applied to orders placed on additionallengths.co.uk will cease. No orders made through additionallengths.co.uk will receive trade discounts and we will be unable to refund any difference between website prices and your trade discounts. 
  • Your account will remain active on additionallengths.co.uk so that you can continue to view your account history. 


"Why Are You Moving My Account?"

We think that our new professional account website is going to improve checkout time, resolve issues some of you were experiencing at checkout as well as allowing us the opportunity to offer trade and professional accounts dedicated support.


"I Don’t Currently Have A Trade Account, But I Want One"

You can apply for a trade account on our new professional-only website remicachet.com right now.


"I Want To Know About More Remi Cachet"

If you're not a trade account and want to know more about Remi Cachet, we have got you covered with our journal post "Which Remi Hair Extensions Should I Buy?" to give you all the information you need about the collection of hair extensions. 


Any questions? Feel free to contact us and one of the team would be happy to help.

Life isn't perfect but your hair can be...

We are a multi-award-winning hair extension specialists also supplying hair care, hair tools, and lots more.

Thanks for reading! With love, Sarah at Additional Lengths xx