Written by

Sarah Ingham


5 Healthy Hair Tips

To celebrate World Health Day this year (7th April 2023), we have come up with a list of 5 top tips you need to keep your hair gorgeous and healthy. Hair extension wearer or not, get to know them…


1.  If You Are Wearing Hair Extensions, Always Use Hair Extension Products

2. Keep Your Hair Protected From Heat

3.Always Attend Your Regular Maintenance Hair Appointments With Your Extensionist

4. Keep Your Hair Rejuvenated With A Hair Oil  

5. Never Tint, Colour Or Perm Your Hair Extensions


1. If You Are Wearing Hair Extensions, Always Use Hair Extension Products 

When wearing hair extensions it is always important to only use products that are made for hair extensions. Luckily for you, Remi Cachet have got you covered…Did you know Remi Cachet’s HUGE range of products not only gives you the option of gorgeous hair extensions but also beautiful aftercare products. So, look no further… 



Shop Remi Cachet Aftercare


One of the many products available to you is the Remi Cachet Shampoo & Conditioner Duo, trust us when we say the smell alone will make you want to keep this as your shampoo and conditioner forever…😍

Plus, the duo gives your hair extensions the care they need as they protect their longevity of them whilst being gentle to leave them clean, fresh and feeling rejuvenated… perfect, perfect, perfect.

Remi Cachet Shampoo And Conditioner Duo

Get Yours Now


2. Keep Your Hair Protected From Heat 

Hair extension wearer or not, it is so important to always wear a heat protectant (so you have no excuses).

The Remi Cachet Miracle Mist includes heat protection to help protect your hair against damage from harsh temperatures so you can use your favourite styling tools with confidence. And again, like the Shampoo & Conditioner Duo, the Miracle Mist has Remi Cachet’s signature scent so you can be smelling like strawberries and cucumbers all day (you’re welcome)...

Remi Cachet Miracle Mist

Shop This 


3. Always Attend Your Regular Maintenance Hair Appointments With Your Extensionist

Attending your maintenance appointments is key to keeping your hair extensions healthy and helping them last longer. 

Your stylist will know when exactly you will need your maintenance appointments as everybody is different. But, if you want to know an approximate time of how often your maintenance appointments should be, check out our journal post “How Do I Make Human Hair Extensions Last Longer?” 


4.Keep Your Hair Rejuvenated With A Hair Oil

Hair oil is an essential part of your haircare routine to keep your hair rejuvenated and gorgeous for longer. 

Again from Remi Cachet is their Hair Oil (also infused with the brand’s signature scent (heart eyes) this can be used on both dry and damp hair specifically the mid-lengths and ends (never the root of your hair) to give it an intense glossy finish and great softness whilst leaving it noticeably radiant *hair flick moment*.  

Although the oil is made to specifically look after your human hair extensions, this can also be used on your own hair, so calling all you non-extension wearers, again, you have no excuse.

Remi Cachet Hair Oil

Treat Your Hair



5.Never Tint, Colour Or Perm Your Hair Extensions 

Long story short… We never have or never will advise either you or your stylist to tint, colour or perm your hair extensions. This is because due to the processes the hair has already gone through to get it to the desired colour you have chosen, making changes such as the above will simply cause damage to the hair that cannot be undone… it’s a no from us.


For all of our tips and advice (there’s so much more) to keep your hair healthy, be sure to grab a cup of tea and check out our aftercare page for everything you need to know. Any questions? Contact us and one of the team will be happy to help. 

Life isn't perfect but your hair can be...

We are a multi-award-winning hair extension specialists also supplying hair care, hair tools, and lots more.

Thanks for reading! With love, Sarah at Additional Lengths xx