Written by

Sarah Ingham


Why Do My Hair Extensions Have Split Ends?

Split ends, we all hate them but unfortunately, they are completely normal for us to experience. Do you want to know why you may be seeing these in your hair extensions? And maybe you want to know how you can prevent them? If so, we’ve got you… 


What Are Split Ends?

Without being too scientific (zzz), “Trichoptilosis” is the technical term for split ends which is defined as “a splitting of the shaft of the hair giving it a feathery appearance”.

Split ends occur as the hair ages and becomes weak and thin which is accelerated by wear and tear. There can be several causes of split ends which include your hair routine, sun exposure, and friction which gradually strips away the outer protective layer of the hair cuticle. 

The ends of the hair are where this occurs as this is the part of the hair that’s the oldest and prone to the most damage. Moreover, it is also the part of the hair that is furthest away from the natural oils in the scalp which acts as a barrier of protection, resulting in the ends becoming more susceptible to breakage.

Why Do Hair Extensions Have Split Ends?

At Additional Lengths, split ends appearing in the extensions is a common occurrence following wear and tear because of the 100% human hair extensions we sell. As this is human hair, it is just like your natural hair and goes through the same processes, including the risks of split ends. 

Therefore, the focus for you when it comes to split hair in extensions is prevention.


How Can I Prevent Split Ends? 

Aftercare - 

An important area for you to take into consideration is the products you are using. You have fabulous hair extensions so it's important for them to keep them in top condition. 

Make sure you check out our full aftercare guide on our website here where you have all the information at your fingertips on all our products to keep the extensions looking great. 

One of these products is the Remi Cachet Hair Oil which provides your hair with essential oils to keep your hair moisturised and nourished which is important to prevent split ends.

Grab yours here for noticeable radiant hair 


Brushing - 

At Additional Lengths, our collection of hair extension brushes is specifically designed to flow through the bonds. 

Using the incorrect brush can result in many negative things, including causing unnecessary damage to your hair extensions, so make sure you check out our collection of hairbrushes here

When it comes to brushing, our advice is to always start to brush their hair from the bottom and then slowly move up towards the top of the head to the root area. 

If your hair extensions are tangled, you should be careful when brushing and use our Miracle Mist to help detangle the hair and prevent damage. 

You should gently brush your hair thoroughly at least once or twice a day to prevent natural knotting and matting. However, you should also be careful not to over-brush the hair as this may result in damage and cause unnecessary wear and tear.

Moreover, avoid brushing your hair extensions when wet as they are more fragile, which makes them more likely to snap or break and the risk of split ends increases. Our Remi Cachet Wave Comb is recommended for use when wet.


Bedtime hair - 

When it comes to getting your beauty sleep, our advice is to always brush your hair and extensions before bed and secure them away from your face in either a loose ponytail or plait. This will overall prevent your hair from tangling which down the line can result in damage and the risk of split ends appearing. 


Heated tools - 

A cause of split ends is damage through heat exposure therefore if you are wanting to prevent this risk, scale back on the heated tools. Heated tools are going to accelerate your hair drying out, so why not try out some looks that don’t require heat? Our collection of Heatless Hair Curlers from Silkology can give you gorgeous beach waves in no time, a perfect look for this time of year especially. 

When it comes to blow-drying which we always recommend doing to look after your hair extensions, we strongly recommend that a low heat setting is used. 

If heat is a must for styling, always use a heat protectant like our Remi Cachet Miracle Mist.

Get yours here now


Do you have any other questions about split ends? We are here to help so feel free to contact us here. Also, make sure you are tagging us in your gorgeous looks on Instagram using #AdditionalLengths for a chance to be featured on one of our platforms. 

Life isn't perfect but your hair can be...

We are a multi-award-winning hair extension specialists also supplying hair care, hair tools, and lots more.

Thanks for reading! With love, Sarah at Additional Lengths xx